I am shocked at a recent news story I just saw. Here is the background..Man beats 5 month old baby breaking his bones while the mom stands by watching and does nothing. The parents look young maybe 17 to early 20’s. Now the man is going to prison..GOOD but the woman who sat there and did NOTHING to protect her child gets three years’ probation and NO prison at all. WHAT???? I think she is just as guilty even if she didn’t actually hit him. I know this man obviously is an abuser so maybe she was afraid he would turn on her but for me that is not an excuse. I have been in an abusive relationship. I understand the fear but there is no way I would have not protected my child. In fact, I probably would have killed the man. Back then my abuser had me brainwashed that I deserved it and in my fogged thinking I thought he would never abuse the kids. When I saw the first sign he did while I was at work, I called a friend and we snuck out with basically what I could wear or carry so I really don’t understand how this woman can stand there and watch..see with her own eyes this man beating her five month old and not do anything. And I don’t understand why she basically gets off Scott free.
On a better note this was all a couple years ago and she just got sentenced finally and in all that time the child is ok and with a safe foster family. She lost custody thank goodness.
What do you think? I would love to hear your opinion. I’m open minded and can appreciate other viewpoints on this.